Saturday 1 March 2008

The saga of nozzle blocking continues...

So I cleared the printer's nozzles to a perfect nozzle check yesterday - printed several prints and noticed this morning that the last one looked washed out and not at all like the others. So I ran a nozzle check - the Yellow is completey missing - not just a few clogs, not one single drop of Yellow anywhere - the others were perfect.

So, since the Y is a bit lower than the M was yesterday I put in a new Yellow cart and would you believe it? After a single clean cycle it is back perfectly...

And yes, I did leave a wet sponge in the printer overnight to try to keep up the humidity.

I think that since there is clearly still quite a lot of ink in the cartridges I have taken out I might measure how much is being left behind when and post the results in a few days.

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